- Peace for Shawn and I, for Kyle and Miranda and Braden and Connor, for our parents and siblings and nieces and nephews and inner circle friends watching and hurting as we go through this
- that God would keep soft our children's hearts toward Him through all the emotions of this hard journey
- strength and stamina; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
- that the cancer shrinks to gone, gone, gone!
- gentle side effects to this second round of chemo
- family unity, harmony, love, strength, joy, happiness
- anything else you feel God puts on your heart

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cycle 4: Week 1, Day 2

Having a chill day.  Went to hang at a dear friend's house this morning, came home for a deep sleep nap until the kids got home from school.  Am trying to sleep earlier so that I am present and available and getting my mommy-time with them after school.  It seems to be working so far because I'm so exhausted by dinner and then forcing myself to stay awake til at least 9:30pm for bedtime.  With the early bedtime  I'm then awake between 5 and 6am the next day, getting out of bed at 7am... so everything has shifted to an early afternoon nap.  Seems to be working for the most part, will see if I can maintain that on chemo weeks. 

Chemo has me more exhausted and a little queasy today, but manageable.  My oncologist has okayed me to keep up the good meds beyond the first three days and I am open to more meds to try hard to avoid the six hard days of last chemo.  Both my oncologist and my chemo nurse this week weren't surprised that the last chemo was hard, so I guess I'm right on schedule.  I'd rather be "textbook" than "rare", thank you very much!  [wink]

Tomorrow is my MR Venogram appointment at VGH.  This is the 'impossible to get' appointment!  Thank you Lord for making the impossible possible!  I'm feeling curious to hear the results and not expecting any scary or bad experience or news.  Praying a great day tomorrow!!!   Shawn is working from home in the morning so that he can take me to the appointment, and I love having him here.  I am so grateful to his kind and understanding boss who has offered some flexibility... they know that Shawn won't let them down and I know that I need my husband with me on these big meeting days.   My thrombosis doctor will meet us before the MRV at 2pm to touch base and check on me regarding the high dose blood thinners.  My MRV is at 2:45pm and then my thrombosis doctor will call me with the results so that we don't have to wait around for hours after.  Again, our medical team is amazing!  I am praying that tomorrow's experience will be right in line... I pray that God is already preparing my medical team of tomorrow with patience, success, equipment that works, smooth sailing, easy traffic, peace for me and only great news! 


  1. You are up past your bed time young lady :)

    Glad to hear of your visit and good day! We will be praying for you at your appointment. Perhaps you will be up to a nice dinner in the city!?!

  2. You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day as you rest and prepare for your appointment!
    Love you!

  3. I will be praying for you tomorrow. Looking forward to good news!


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