- Peace for Shawn and I, for Kyle and Miranda and Braden and Connor, for our parents and siblings and nieces and nephews and inner circle friends watching and hurting as we go through this
- that God would keep soft our children's hearts toward Him through all the emotions of this hard journey
- strength and stamina; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
- that the cancer shrinks to gone, gone, gone!
- gentle side effects to this second round of chemo
- family unity, harmony, love, strength, joy, happiness
- anything else you feel God puts on your heart

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cycle 5: week 2, day 3

Bruised port, pale skin, flat and thin hair, swollen, but kicking cancer to the curb. Tired. Weak. Drained. Hot flush. Cold skin. Dizzy. Aching back of my neck. Headache from lazing around. Sat on the back deck a few times, moved around some today. Had a power sleep. Moment by moment through the day. Ate dinner, now hot from the digesting. Water gives me heartburn pain, indigestion is a constant battle. Added lime to my water, seems to help. Need to drink more. Making it through. Kids are such helpers and really impress me with their flexibility as mommy is weak or tired or needing help or calm house. So thankful for these children of ours. Shawn is out late tonight, so glad for him to have some time out. He has been amazing and so incredibly, solidly Shawn. I couldn't ask for better in a husband. We are tired but we keep relying on God, trusting, moving forward at the pace we can.


  1. Praying for renewed strength and energy tomorrow.
    Love you!

  2. Praying for you ~ He will never leave you

  3. His mercies are new every morning. praying & thinking of you... xxoo Devana

  4. praying you will feel better tomorrow...and that you will have strength to enjoy the

  5. "kicking cancer to the curb'


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